Lace Challenge 11 - A Rose for Kalofer
Here is a rose under construction.
Thanks to M Mercè Rovira and Maite Yanútolo – Puntaires de Girona for preparing materials for this project.
Here you can see colors used to make roses. Please make your roses in colors like these so that they will look like the Bulgarian roses.

The pattern for #12 pearl cotton is on the left. Click on the pattern to download a copy of the pdf file. Print the pdf using the "actual size" option. The vertical line on the left is 15 centimeters long. Check that the line on your printed copy is 15 centimeters or slightly less than 6".
The pattern for #8 pearl cotton is on the right. This was created by printing the original file using the "custom scale" option set to 124%. The line will be about 18.6 centimeters or 7 3/8 inches.
#12: 21 wraps/cm, #8:17 wraps/cm, 21/17 = 124
Scroll down to the bottom for additional suggestions.
Rose pricking with pinhole dots and arrows between sections of cross twist and cross twist cross stitches. This pattern is sized for #8 pearl cotton with #3 gimp.
Continue to scroll down for information sheets in five languages, pictures, notes and pricking.
Additional information is available at

Catalan, Spanish,
French, German

I made a sample using the larger pattern with #8 DMC and #3 DMC gimp to determine how much thread I needed on the bobbins. Here's what I put on the bobbins:
pair for the inner edge: 1 yard per bobbin
pair for the outer edge: 4 feet per bobbin
gimp pair: inner bobbin 1 yard, outer bobbin 4 feet
(inner edge is 16" plus extra for finishing; outer edge is 33" more or less)
3 yards per bobbin for 6 pairs of bobbins
I might add an extra foot to each of the bobbins in the pair that is the first weaver since it isn't always easy to find a good place to exchange fuller bobbins for emptier bobbins since the half stitch areas change the bobbins in the pairs.
I marked pin holes on my copy of the large pattern.
I hope you enjoy making a rose. Sally Olsen